Tree Of Life Pendant Flower Of Life Sacred Geometry


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Sacred Geometry Pendant: Flower of Life, Tree of Life, Seed of Life

This harmonizing and protective pendant features the Flower of Life and the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, made of silver-colored metal.

Choose from various designs: Flower of Life pendant, Seed of Life pendant, Tree of Life pendant, Kabbalistic Tree of Life pendant.

It is a very ancient symbol of sacred geometry. Today, the Flower of Life and its embryo, the Seed of Life, have multiple uses in dowsing, radionics, meditation, and as a talisman.


What is Metatron’s Cube?

Metatron’s Cube is the most powerful symbol of protection on the planet. It represents both the Platonic solids, the hexagram, and the Merkaba. It is the seal of the Archangel Metatron.

The Flower of Life and Metatron’s Cube are closely connected, as the Flower of Life symbol encompasses, among other things, Metatron’s Cube.

Because the Flower of Life is a very ancient symbol found all over the world, especially in temples and sacred places, it contains numerous geometrical shapes and is believed to be one of the keys to the creation of the universe.

How to draw Metatron’s Cube?

To draw Metatron’s Cube starting from the Flower of Life, you need to examine the Seed of Life it contains, which consists of seven circles. Then, you add six circles to create the Flower of Life.

By connecting the centers of each outer circle, you can create a Seal of Solomon (hexagon) and a cube in a cavalier perspective. You then create a smaller hexagon by connecting the centers of the six inner circles. Finally, you connect the respective vertices of the large and small hexagons.

The Benefits of the Flower of Life and Metatron’s Cube:

The Flower of Life is a restructuring form wave. It realigns and harmonizes anything that needs it. It helps increase the vibrational rate, meaning it can help elevate our vibrational frequency.

It is also valuable for reconfiguring water molecules. Thus, water placed on a Flower of Life grid or pattern would become energized.

Research conducted by Masaru Emoto on the influence of thought and emotions on water, based on the observation of photographs of crystals, testifies to this phenomenon.

According to him, crystals undergo structural changes in response to external influences such as music, noise, and even thoughts.

Therefore, adding a Flower of Life or Metatron’s Cube in a room could harmonize it.

It would also be interesting to combine the properties of the Flower of Life with those of essential oils to enhance their potential.

How to Use Metatron’s Cube?

Wear it as jewelry, such as a pendant; or use stickers or a poster to hang it on the wall of a room to imbibe the space with its energy.

This allows using it as interior decoration while benefiting from its properties.

Metatron’s Cube and the Secret of the Flower of Life

Who is the Archangel Metatron?

Together with his blood brother, Sandalphon, these two archangels are the regents of the Earth. As the Lord of Heaven and the Lord of Earth, twin brothers, they bring harmony, balance, and unity in this world of duality.

The sigils of the archangels bear the power of the original force of the Earth. The sigils of the archangels bring angelic and divine qualities into manifestation and allow for the restoration of order and light. A sigil is the original mark, the source identity of the archangel, but also an energy vector acting as a talisman.

Metatron’s Cube is the seal of the Archangel bearing his name. It is a fundamental element of the creation process. Named after the mighty archangel Metatron, it encompasses the Platonic solids, which are the foundation of sacred geometry.

Definition of the Platonic Solids:

The Platonic Solids are actually five regular polyhedra.

A regular polyhedron can be inscribed in a sphere, and all its faces are congruent regular polygons (all sides are congruent, and all angles are equal).

In his geometric treatise, Elements, Euclid proved that there are exactly and only five regular convex polyhedra: the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, icosahedron, and dodecahedron. These solids are known as the Platonic solids or Platonic bodies.

They possess common characteristics: their surfaces have equal areas; the edges of each Platonic solid have the same length; the angles formed by all the edges are the same; if any Platonic solid is placed inside a sphere that circumscribes it at all points, all of its vertices touch the inner surface of the sphere.

The Characteristics of the 5 Platonic Solids:

The Cube: It consists of 6 faces that are squares. It has 8 vertices and 12 edges. It has 3 edges meeting at each vertex. In ancient Greece, it was a symbol of Earth.

The Tetrahedron: It has 4 faces (tetra means four), which are equilateral triangles. It has 4 vertices and 6 edges. It has 3 edges meeting at each vertex. In ancient Greece, it was a symbol of Fire. It is its own dual.

The Octahedron: It is composed of 8 faces that are equilateral triangles. It has 6 vertices and 12 edges. It has 4 edges meeting at each vertex. In ancient Greece, it was a symbol of Air.

The Icosahedron: It has 20 faces that are equilateral triangles. It has 12 vertices and 30 edges. It has 5 edges meeting at each vertex. In ancient Greece, it was a symbol of Water.

The Dodecahedron: It has 12 faces that are regular pentagons. It has 20 vertices and 30 edges. It has 3 edges meeting at each vertex. Its edge lengths and angle degrees are identical, and it can be perfectly circumscribed by a sphere. In ancient Greece, it was a symbol of the Universe.

But what is the origin of the Platonic Solids?

The metaphysical literature available on the subject is extensive, and today it is relatively easy to find information on the internet or in seminars.

However, Drunvalo Melchizedek has dedicated a part of his life to studying the Flower of Life, and in his book entitled The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, he reveals its secrets. He extensively studies the Flower of Life and demonstrates that this seemingly ordinary geometric figure contains all the complex and esoteric secrets of the universe.

In fact, it contains the Platonic solids; the five regular polyhedra originate from the Seed of Life. Metatron’s Cube represents the Seed of Life with the tracing of the Platonic solids.

The Fruit of Life or the Great Secret of the Flower of Life Finally Revealed:

The secret of the Flower of Life is one of the best-kept secrets. Or rather, I would say that it is often what is right under our noses that we tend to overlook. Seeing a figure represented all over the planet in temples or sacred places is one thing. But understanding the importance of this figure and why it is significant is a whole different matter.

The Fruit of Life comes from the representation of the Flower of Life. The Flower of Life is traditionally represented by a figure that consists of 19 circles. However, in reality, the drawing of the Flower of Life can extend infinitely. So, the question is, why did the ancients choose this representation composed of 19 circles?

If you look at the edges of the Flower of Life, you will see that some circles are incomplete. By completing all the circles, the secret becomes visible.

This leads to the representation of the Fruit of Life, which consists of 13 circles and is one of the most sacred figures that exist. And first and foremost, the Fruit of Life is the basis for the representation of Metatron’s Cube. Metatron’s Cube is an extremely powerful sacred geometric figure. It is the seal of the Archangel Metatron and probably the most powerful protection there is.

In his work, Drunvalo studies the Platonic solids and the Merkaba. In the second volume, he proposes a meditation based on the Merkaba.

If you want to delve deeper into this subject, Drunvalo Melchizedek’s books, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Volume 1 & 2, are highly comprehensive.

How to Find Metatron’s Cube?

Visit our Metatron’s Cube collection to see our articles and Metatron’s Cube jewelry.



Découvrez également notre Tree Of Life Pendant Flower Of Life Sacred Geometry dans la catégorie Spiritual Jewelry.

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Germ of life, Flower of Life, Tree of Life, Kabbalistic tree, Seed of life